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Hire Standards

The US is home to 5% of the world’s population — but 25% of the world’s prisoners.

The 13th Amendment granted freedom to all Americans— except prisoners. 

Inspired by the documentary 13th directed by Ava DuVernay, we wanted to challenge T-Mobile to take the first steps in breaking systematic racism. Social post are no longer not enough, it's time for real, actionable, change. 

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Hire Standards

The 13th Amendment has been used by politicians to take away freedoms by putting millions  away for minor crimes. This leaves people branded with the term felon for life, making it hard to find essentials like housing, education, and work.

But it's time for change.
We have the ability to provide a second chance. To give a stable foundation for a new life. To welcome them into our family. To de-stigmatize criminality in America.

To hold ourselves to a higher standard, and allow ex-convicts to be a part of the T-Mobile family. 

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