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Northside Hospital 

Talk About It

27% of women reported an increase in mental health issues due to the COVID-19 lockdown. 

Many women are expected to take care of everything and everyone. Because of this, women's mental and physical health was put on hold more than ever during the pandemic.

Northside Hospital, a leader in women's healthcare, wanted to give women the space to talk about their health and provide them with the solutions they need. 


Talk About It

Life for women has changed drastically since the pandemic, and you might not be okay right now. You might be spread too thin and struggling to take time for yourself. 

Northside is here to support you. We're here to give you a safe space to prioritize your health, which so many women haven't been able to do during the pandemic. Millions are going through similar struggles and we're here to remind you, you're not alone. So let's talk about it, together. 


NORTHSIDE _ TalkAboutIt_Radio
NS_Recorded Meditation


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Many women interacted with our social posts and polls talking about the struggles they've felt since the pandemic. We responded individually to many of the replies thanking them for sharing their story and providing support. We also saw many women uplifting and supporting each other in the comments.

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